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New Moon Collage Making

Artwork By: Marcus Rogers

Dear Friends,

As the night sky embraces the soft glow of a new moon, Sacred Edge invites you to celebrate this October New Moon in Libra with a collage making gathering facilitated by one of the most magical artists and human beings in the world, Marcus Rogers. We will explore this month’s theme of connection.

You can check Marcus’ work out at

Keeping in mind that this month’s New Moon falls on a solar eclipse, we will not be focusing on intention setting but instead taking time to reflect. What better way to honor this celestial event than by coming together to craft beautiful and meaningful collages that reflect our heart’s deepest truths? This month, we will be exploring the theme of connection. To get in the spirit, check out the Waterside Chat entry On Connection.

Here's what you can expect at our New Moon Art Collage Making:


Centering: In the spirit of cultivating awareness of what is and landing into the space, we will begin with guided centering.

Collage Workshop: Marcus will lead us through the process of collage making, providing tips, techniques, and inspiration to spark your imagination.

              Supplies you will need: 1. scissors or exacto knife

                                                        2. glue (craft glue, glue stick, gel medium, etc.)

                                                        3. a piece of cardboard (size of your choosing)

                                                        4. any kind of papers or raw materials (magazines,

scrap paper, junk mail, photos, anything you

feel drawn to)

                                                         5. paint (optional and not necessary)

6. hair dryer (optional to help with drying process)

Atmosphere: Creativity is a personal process, so tailor your creative atmosphere to what works best for you. Experiment with different elements (lighting, inspiring visuals, scents, etc.) and adjust them to suit your needs. Let this feel like a special date with yourself.

Good Company: Connect with old friends and make new ones as we share stories, insights, and inspiration.

Whether you're an experienced artist or a beginner, this gathering is open to all levels of artistic expression. It is about coming together to celebrate the beauty of the New Moon and the power of creative expression.

Please sign up so we know how many people to expect. Feel free to invite friends and loved ones who might also be interested in joining this celestial art adventure.

 See you under the stars!

November 13

New Moon Visioning Gathering