
The smell of humanness… dank grit…exquisite beauty… perpetual humor…hopeful existentialism… accidentally grimy…incessantly compassionate…deliberately crass… always authentic…

Recognizing that we live in a world terrified of liminality and insistent on erasing experiences that don’t fit into the carefully constructed boxes intended to maintain hegemony, Sacred Edge is an antidote to the violence of erasure and a commitment to making media that documents our lives, unearths our stories, and challenges barriers to our existence.

SE Story is an homage to storytelling and honors the practice as the oldest, most accessible, and impactful healing tool available. Stories live everywhere and in everything…from the lines on a leaf to the the lines on one’s face…from the silences in between words to the stillness in between breaths… in every who, what, where, when, why, and how…medicine. Both the act of sharing a story and bearing active witness to one are equally transformative, moving people, leaving them forever changed.

The SE Story offering of love is a commitment to exploring stories rooted in liminality…people, places, experiences, realities that live in the state of “in between” …On the threshold between two existential plains…on the sacred edge.

How We Work

What We Do:

  • Create spaces for dialog and facilitate processes for telling, sharing, and witnessing stories.

  • Create media such as podcasts, print, blogs, film, video, etc.

  • Produce original, expressive, and documentary work by creators whose stories have been marginalized

  • Exhibit and educate

  • Live joy