On Shadows
Photograph By: Hermon
Dear Sacred Child of God,
You used to be stunning…luminescent. You reeked of life. Even the way you lived pain was enviable. You were brave. Armed with love every step of the way, you lived. Every breath, you loved. Now, you keep searching for your beauty like a pirate for lost gold. Now you wear loneliness like a crown…hide midst umbra…terrified of your brilliance…consumed by someone else's…unable to see your shine. You. Ache. Relentlessly.
I see you riddled with fear…reacting too quickly…acting not nearly quick enough. Perhaps it is easy right now not to deal or think of making amends. But there will come a time when there are no mountains to climb, no lovers to get caught up in, and no amount of doing that will distract you from dealing with your truth. In that moment, no fragmented poems shrouded in obscurity will do. You will find yourself filled to the brim with sentences. Full sentences that form concrete thoughts and leave no room for hiding. You will be terrified of being seen but your survival instinct will kick in and remind you…that is the only way to stay alive.
Although it is true that it is light that makes shadows come alive, dimming yours will not make them disappear. Remember, the same elements that came together to make stars, reunited to make you. So, be stunning…luminescent. Reek of life. Dare to live through the pain of being. You are brave. Arm yourself with love every step of the way. Live. With every breath, love.
Your Shadow
Awareness is medicine. Until next time, be like water my friends…reflect and flow.
1. A shadow is produced by an object blocking the passage of light.
What is the nature of the object blocking the passage of your light?
2. What have the size, shape, and characteristics of your shadow taught
you about the nature of your light?
3. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
4. Whom do you need to make amends to?
5. Are you willing to forgive? Yes or no for the sake of what?
6. Are you willing to make amends? Yes or no for the sake of what?