On 45
Photograph By: William David Sims Jr.
I love you like certain dark things are to be loved, between the shadow and the soul.
-Pablo Neruda
I am
dark things
infinite sacred emptiness
I am
complected in shades of gray
landing midair
choose dying season as my birthing season
death dresses leaves in fire colors
descending on wind’s breath
quiet surrender to great mother’s embrace
a thousand small deaths
mirroring my own
a thousand small deaths
with which I paid my dues for the right to live
like the leaves
my small deaths be dignified
this tree
I am
to make way for new births
when birthing season comes
the inevitable big death
I grow closer to with every breath
Awareness is medicine. Until next time, be like water my friends…reflect and flow.
What do you feel had to die for you to be born into this life?
What are the ways in which this death has shaped your life?
How do you honor death and dying, both big and small?
What part of you/your story are you shedding this dying season?
What kind of support/holding do you need/want as you prepare and move through the transition process?
What new birth are you making way for?
How will you celebrate your aliveness?